Law Of Attraction Daily Creation

Law Of Attraction Daily Creation
by Les Goodrich III


Greetings Deliberate Creators!
This week I have a really cool post for you that focuses on a Daily Creation ritual that I developed then refined and it has been working wonders for my business and creative endeavors. The idea first came to me when reading a post from my friends at The Secret-LOA blog here: . In that post the beloved Esther Hicks explains via Abraham how you can set your day up each morning to make the most of the vibration you offer.

I liked the idea of starting early so I began to implement this little ritual into my daily routine. I customized the suggestions in that blog post to my own style and came up with a one page “list” that I started too write first thing each morning. The list was basically three parts.

In the first part I would write the heading [To Be], then the intro sentence of “Today I want to feel…”
and under that I would list words such as, Confident, Energized, Grateful, Excited, Successful, Pleasantly Surprised, Fulfilled, Happy, Calm, Peaceful, Joyful.

In the second part I would write the heading [To Have], then the phrase “Today I’s like to have…”
and under that I would list things such as, A fun day writing, A new Toyota Tacoma truck, A cleaned office, An exciting conversation, A productive afternoon marketing online, A delicious and healthful lunch with someone cool, and so on.

Then in the third part I would write the phrase “Today I delegate the following to my Universal LOA Staff…” then the heading: Today please bring me… Evidence of the LOA working in my life, A positive cash flow, A new creative, positive friend, The opportunity to help a young writer, etc.

After doing this for a week I decided to refine the system further, because writing each line was taking time out of an already busy morning ritual of writing my GVA page. Therefore, I simply made a single index card that has the best of those concepts written on it. (Yes I used both sides.) Now i have made it part of my routine to read that card every day, first thing when I wake up and also right before I go to sleep each night. The card basically has one side that says “Today I choose to feel Excited, Confident, etc.” I left out the “To have” section because I found that I was simply filling that section with my Top 4 Goals and Top 4 Visions (which I read everyday in the ,morning anyway). On the back I put the “Delegate” section and it fit perfectly.

Since doing this for two weeks I have met a very cool young writer who needs help and guidance from a friend who emailed me asking if I could help her frond’s daughter, and I have started working wit a talented and very friendly freelancer who wants me to teach her some of my self-publishing ninja tricks. At the same time, this freelancer interviewed me for an article in a glossy magazine and the article is scheduled to be out in their next edition. Cool!

I have also discovered a self-publishing rockstar who lives an hour from me in Florida, and while he and I have never met, it just seems too much of a coincidence that he has built his business exactly the way I envisioned mine, and is willing to help writers succeed at self-publishing as he blazes that trail. He writes serialized fiction (like me) and blogs to help writers who want to do that for a living (which I need as much guidance as I can get like anyone). When I began to read some of his work, I recalled an issue of Writers Digest that I thought might have had him on the cover. I had bought the mag a year ago and never read the article because at the time, I was shopping agents and big publishing companies, and not looking into self-publishing at all. I dug through my office and found the Magazine. It was him on the cover and his article blew my mind. What he described in the article was exactly how I envisioned building my author platform and it validated everything I thought to be true. Amazing. I also read that his dog has the same exact name as my mother’s dog.

Now the dog name thing may seem irrelevant but, in my LOA experience, that is exactly the types of little humorous clues the Universe leaves for you to let you know when are on the right track.

Try your own version of the daily LOA card that you read first thing in the morning. I hope you have a fun time with it. Manifest On!
